Ghost at the refrigerator

For some time now our refrigerator has been turning of the icemaker, or completely locking the control panel so we cannot access water or ice.   Both of these “features” are controlled by the same button, so I was thinking the button is sticking down at random times.   I removed the control panel which was very easy, there is a hole just under the panel on the right side.  Just run a small flat head screwdriver in this hole and the right side of the panel will pop out, then the whole panel will just fall out.   There is just one connector connecting the panel to the fridge, squeeze the connector and it will pop off.   Flip the panel over and remove the 4 Philips screws, now you can see the circuit board.  Unplug the only remaining connector, this powers the two LEDs, at this point you can also remove the two LED pack, there is not much holding them in place.  Pry back the lower two plastic clips holding the board in place and it will pop out.  I really don’t need this button, I don’t need to turn off the ice, or lock the display.  So, instead of replacing the button, I am just going to eliminate.  The small button has 4 “feet” and is soldered in place.  Prying up with a tiny flathead I unsoldered each lead.  I reassembled the control panel and the ghost seems to be gone.  The refrigerator is a GE PFSS6PKXCSS

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